The other day I was emailing back and forth with my mother-in-law who lives in Papaikou and she casually mentioned that as she was writing an small earthquake shook her house. Now, with the 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile, the news on the mainland is reporting there is a risk for a Tsunami wave to hit Hilo Bay. Since it is 8 in the morning here in Pennyslvania, I can't call Sarito or Tom (mother and father in law) to tell them about the warning so I'm blogging instead. Their house is high enough that they aren't suseptable to any flooding, but Tom's shop is in downtown Hilo....I hope nothing bad happens. The Pacific Tsunami Museum streams a live webcam incase you want to watch what may unfold.
Also, feel free to donate to the museum so they can keep the project alive.
Pacific Tsunami Museum-BayCam Fund
P.O. Box 806
Hilo, HI 96721
My husband's family has lived on the Big Island on and off for many generations, and we are hoping to become the fourth generation to call the island home. If Sarito or Tom tell me anything about a Tsunami I will post it. And if you happen to be in Hilo stop by Shark's Coffee Shop and tell them Brittany sent you.
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